Vipul Munot
Nov 7, 2022


Hello Dan,

I tested the following code for 3 old versions and it was working correctly.

import json

import boto3

from collections import Counter

def lambda_handler(event, context):

client = boto3.client('lambda')

response = client.list_functions(FunctionVersion='ALL')

d = dict(Counter([x['FunctionName'] for x in response['Functions']]))

print(json.dumps(d, indent=2))

for key, value in d.items():

if value > 3:

print(key, '->', value)

a = {}

for x in response['Functions']:

if x['FunctionName'] == key and x['Version'] != '$LATEST':


a[x['FunctionArn']] = x['LastModified']

listofTuples = sorted(a.items() , key=lambda x: x[1])



if len(listofTuples) > 3:

for elem in listofTuples[0:len(listofTuples)-3]:

response = client.delete_function(FunctionName=elem[0])

print("FunctionArn",elem[0],"Deleted response",response,sep = "->")



Responses (1)