AlienBuilding a Knowledge Base with AWS CDK and OpenSearch ServerlessIn this post, we’ll explore how to create a knowledge base using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and the OpenSearch Serverless service. The…Jul 202Jul 202
AlienAutomating enabling termination Protection for AWS CloudformationAWS Cloudformation has evolved as one of integral part of devops architecture of any team. It is good practice to enable termination…Jan 4Jan 4
AlienLambda Example using AWS CDKIn this article we are going to cover some of the most common properties we use to create and configure an lambda in AWS CDK.Aug 10, 2022Aug 10, 2022
AlienSagemaker Notebook Example using AWS CDKIn this article we are going to cover some of the most common properties we use to create and configure an Sagemaker notebook in AWS CDK.Aug 9, 2022Aug 9, 2022
AlienAdd Resource policy for AWS API Gateway using CloudformationFollowing is the example for adding resource policy for AWS API Gateway using CloudformationMar 3, 2022Mar 3, 2022
AlienCreating producer and consumer using AWS Lambda for AWS MSK ClusterUse caseFeb 20, 2022Feb 20, 2022
AlienConfiguring same Slack channel for more than one AWS chatbotYou can follow the official documentation for configuring AWS Chatbot with the slack channel using the link…Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
AlienAutomating the AWS CloudWatch logs retention period for all log groupsCloudWatch logs cost a lot if you keep them forever. You have option of dumping them to S3 for further use. Still it may the case you…Oct 14, 20201Oct 14, 20201
AlienLoad Testing using Kubernetes and AWS SQSI wanted to perform a load test of AWS SQS and my application. So, I created a sample python program which will publish a message to SQS…Apr 22, 2020Apr 22, 2020